Sunday, December 26, 2010
Honestly, this year has been way too rushed. And next year it's already A level year. I don't even know how time passes this quickly, it's as though I'm aging twice as fast as compared to in secondary school.
But this year I've made my fair share of friends, and had more than a few fallouts with supposed friends. I guess it's all in God's time? But I'll continue to work on the current friendships that I have and of course on making myself a better person. It's always the journey, never the end, cause the end isn't anywhere near (:
Christmas this year wasn't much of an affair, just service (which I hardly heard anything at because I was rushing about the whole of Pasir Ris/Tampines finding wallets that I left in bags -- another story) and then after that lunch with LG at Buddy Hoagies (which wasn't the greatest cause I was super super super tired). Went home and crashed and in doing so, nearly completely missed Enoch's Christmas party cause I couldn't wake up. But thank God for my parents, they actually wanted to have dinner with me but when I told them I wanted to go for the party they sent me all the way there in a cab (: I reallyreally heart my parents.
But looks like the new year's coming soon! Time to start thinking up resolutions and all already hee. And well, the holidays still have tons of activities coming up! 2LG kayaking, FIFA 10 Cage soccer, New Year's dinner, Watchnight Service, ahhh I'm getting pretty excited about it all.
Learn to love, love to learn. I think that's gonna be my motto next year :D
Monday, December 20, 2010
What has happened since camp... TOFU was also a job well done by the TOFU team and I'm really really encouraged by their progress as a batch (: Congratulations guys! The whole day was honestly extremely fun and I'm sorry I kinda screwed up your timetabling. But all's well that ends well! (:
After that was the Retreat Camp (hahaha that sounds so similar to Raffles Institution Secondary School LOL). Which was pretty fun, managed to do some good bonding with the people in my LG whom I hardly hang out with, so that's awesome (: And yeah got to know more Christians from all walks of life! So yes that's great too :D
Okay I know my posts don't do the events justice but seriously I'm too sian to type out so much heh so yes pictures are on Facebook! And since Facebook never deletes anything from its site, I guess history's printed in ink eh?
I'm still sick omg from after TOFU I don't believe this I NEED TO RECOVER so I can sing properly! And later still going over to Eddie's house to sleepover/get ready for LG Xmas party tomorrow. Hmmmm fun much but I hope I recover GOD HEAL ME PLEASE.
Finally, God, I've failed again and you know it. Help me change please? That demon is still struggling with the Holy Spirit inside of me. In Jesus' name, demon, GET OUT. I command you, fool. Get out.
There, I'm done. (: SCII with MK now!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Zhng'ed was great too, the weather forecast claimed that it would rain in the late morning but God was gracious and He held back the rain until after the whole activity was finished -- just have to say thank you, Lord, for that. And then the next day the capstone activity progressed nearly without any hitches at all, so that's something to thank God for too.
But most importantly I want to thank God for being so amazing and so awe-inspiring especially during the time immediately after Omega 2.0. Having read through the list of people being called out I realized that many pairs of great friends had been broken up, but after they were reunited, that feeling of guilt and loneliness didn't just slide away and disappear. People were crying, hugging, saying "I'm sorry I didn't help you", and that really made everything all the more beautiful. The attitude everyone had was just amazing -- even those who went down early found ways to get their phones and messaged the people in the chapel who didn't make it. Even though it was just a game, they still did it. I really marvel at the wonder of God's most beloved creation.
Serving in the camp committee this time round certainly has been an eye-opening experience for me, and I did enjoy myself vastly doing all sorts of odd jobs in addition to the camp file(although I still think I'd prefer being a group leader or something like that). I've learnt/grown so much, and I just pray that everyone else has learned tons too, and that we will never forget the lessons we picked up these 5 days.
Now that FIFA 2010 is over, there's only caroling left to look forward to, so look forward to it I shall. (:
<3 y'all, PMCers. <3 you, God. You make life worthwhile. So help me not return to my old ways, help me break free from whatever is tying me down or holding me back. I will prevail against sin; we will prevail against the devil. Let not his stupid attempts at attacking us and undermining us succeed. Please God, keep us strong. Thank you.
Monday, December 6, 2010
There's a bit more at the end, so don't just close the note once you've read your part! :D
Deanna -- Hey you, silent warrior. It's been cool getting to know you (and your almighty ornithophobia haha just kidding) Just wanted to say thanks for like, caring about whether I was pissed that day and all. I was kinda down in the dumps and when someone asks if you're okay it really makes a difference, so thanks. (: 1v1 basketball was also really very fun, not to mention your attempt at sharing the Word with Ms. Chan. Really very commendable (Y) "If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" - Ecclesiastes 4:10. Just pray that God'll continue to strengthen this friendship and that it won't just fade away after the end of the trip. (: And of course, all the best for your national team basketball and other sports whatever there may be. Keep the faith!
Shijin -- Sup Shijin! Hahha you're like, forever high and all, except when you're cranky/sleepy, so I really want to thank God for your personality and all. You've been really friendly throughout the whole trip especially when I asked you about stuff and all so yupyup it's been really nice. Really hope you have fun going to Shanghai for the first time! I haven't been there myself but I'm sure you'll have an awesome few days pigging out and shopping for stuff over there. -HINT- if you see a Spain jersey cheap get it for me! :D :D :D Continue being a really bubbly person and good luck in your walk with God! (:
Teri -- Teriiii! Haha I had heard so much about you before this trip from the soccer guys I really didn't know what to expect, but nonetheless you still managed to break past all expectations. I think the coolest part about you is that you're able to just talk to anybody at all and they won't be like uncomfortable talking back to you. Really, all the best for soccer and all! Hope your friends you made in Australia like Rob and all don't fade away and that they'll continue to talk to you. Hahha Teri's celebrity friends, nice one la. Keep talking to people and who knows what'll happen (:
Wen Zheng -- HEY MAN. Once again you're like, my closest friend on this trip and I wanna thank God veryvery much for your presence. It's been what, 7 years and I really don't know what'd happen to me without you. Okay this is starting to sound gay but I hope you get my meaning. "Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." Proverbs 27:5-6 And honestly that's what I'd say describes your attitude towards me, you're always honest about what you think I'm doing wrong and all, so thank you for that. Hope Australia has treated you well and yeah continue being an awesome buddy.
Joshua Suwe -- Hey Suwe! Nothing much to say here actually just wanted to thank you for standing up for me before Top Gun that day. I really don't know how much of it you were exaggerating but if you weren't then I'm really very very grateful. (: I hope you know how much it means to me! Continue being an awesome guy and all the best with soccer next year (:
Ping Yen -- Hey roommate! Hahaha hope you've had an awesome time in Australia, even though I locked you out of my room a couple of times >< It's been fun playing basketball/laughing at people with you and just hope that you'll continue to be a fun-loving retarded guy although your face is so want-to-fight-with-people. (: All the best with soccer next year too, your optimism is a complete juxtaposition of Wendy's pessimism. All the way man.
Jia Xing -- HEY DUDE. I know we had some rough spots this week but I'm glad that I came to know you better through all the stuff we've been through. Your fun-loving attitude really helped to liven the proceedings and I know although people laugh at you a lot for being blur and all, you're still an awesome guy at heart. Like a toy grizzly bear, you know? Big and fierce on the outside but really awesome on the inside. (: Rock on, dude.
Pei Yin -- HELLO headshot girl! Hope you've respawned enough to understand what I'm trying to say here. Thanks for lending me your camera and all over the last day! I'm like, some pro photographer right :D Hahahha. Although we didn't talk much it's been really very fun so thanks for everything (: God bless in everything you do!
Shawn Yong -- HEY SHAWN you bufflord. Thanks for letting us destroy your room over and over just to play DotA/FIFA 11. You're a really nice guy and I think everyone knows that so yeah don't change! HAHA (: It's been great getting to know you and all. (Y)
Guan Rong -- EH BOSS! Hahaha I know I hardly talked to you during this trip and all but all the same hope you had fun and everything. I bet you we'll have missed shitloads by the time we get back to training and I'll have to miss another one on Wednesday (CRAP I'm getting fat) cause of church camp. Hehe at least I go for runs in the nice cool air in the mornings while you don't nyeahhhhh. Oh well! (: When I did talk to you though, it was funz like yesterday night when you guys were sorting out like your billion packets of chocolates. See you at training man, I am SO FREAKING GOING TO GET INTO THE TEAM NEXT YEAR RAWR. Tsk, such great attitude from me, what to do? :P Jusss (:
Douglas -- Hey man really not much to say here considering we hardly talked during the trip, but just wanted to let you know that you can be a really very nice guy. (: And even though I seemed pissed at you that day or whatever I really wasn't so don't worry about it (: All the best for fencing and all, keep up the lively attitude to everyone!
Vanessa -- HEY VAN. Hahaha even though we didn't really talk much this trip I can tell you're a pretty cool person with your camera and all. So, yeah, good luck with soccer training (especially the match against VJ this coming Wednesday) and yeah God bless!
Thank you, everyone, once again for making the UWA trip such an awesome one, you guys are totally awesome. Totally awesome, y'hear? <3 y'all.
there's no getting over you
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I know I can't please everyone in life. It's definitely a fact -- I guess God made a "set" of friends for me? But I keep wondering why these friends are so few and far between. Like so far I've really met only a handful, and I just don't know why I can't talk to or click with anyone else. Even certain people I thought would be really good friends turned out... not to be so.
So what can I do? I keep asking myself, what am I doing wrong. But somehow I never am able to find the answer. Okay actually sometimes I'm pretty successful at doing that; I learn from my mistakes pretty darn well. But like, I guess sometimes I also need people to tell me what I'm doing wrong! I hardly find people like that nowadays, they just kind of clam up and run away.
But there's nothing I can do to change the mindsets of other people right. So I guess it's up to myself to make things work out. I just hope that any new friendships that I have forged won't crumble and the new friends I made won't freak out at how I'm like and run away, but actually just help me to become a better person -- that's really all I want in life.
Maybe my life will be more purposeful if I make it my purpose to become a better person. I guess I should quantify it, not just leave it as a abstract ideal hanging in the air. Okay that's what I'll do, and with God there beside me holding me up in His almighty hand, I will succeed. I will.
I just have to fight away the demons of insecurity. There's nothing left for it, because insecurities only breed more insecurities. Like, it's quite dumb that life works like that but that's how it is.
Just wanna say thank you to the friends that have been there for me, always. I really thank God for you guys and well, just continue being there yeah? <3 y'all.
Top Gun was really awesome. Okay, maybe not so much the movie, but more like the people. Had a fun chat with Suwe/Pei Yin/Deanna and Shijin about how screwed up I was in the past. But at least I know they're on my side/okay with me. The weather in the park was damn freezing cold though, couldn't do much but watch because I couldn't even fall asleep. But the "sofa" they gave us was really cool and yeah it was quite fun luh, glad I didn't waste it (:
Went for another morning jog on Saturday, this time with more people -- it was extremely fun heh. The waters also had more jellyfish =\ tons of them were lying on the beach dead.
After that... oh yes we went on a "tour" to uh, the Botanical Gardens! To play minigolf (which I really suck at hehe) and then the Caversham wildlife park. Originally I thought it would be really lame and all? But like, after awhile (and after petting the kangaroos) it was really very very fun :D
Went to Broadway IGA (which is a supermarket fyi) to shop for awhile after that while the soccer guys went to kick around with the university soccer players. Shopping wasn't too bad bought quite a bit of stuff to bring back to Singapore.
I hate it when my insecurities start to creep back in. Like I begin to think people don't like me, think that there's a problem with the way I carry myself, think that people are talking behind my back, you know, whether they put on a front when talking to you and all. And I HATE the way it screws with my head. I never know what to think, I never know if what I'm doing is the right thing. Is there even a right thing at all?
Oh well nothing for it I'll just live the way I do and if anyone finds something wrong with it and voices it out, I'll change. But if they wanna keep it quiet and all, then never mind, their loss (:
Ordered pizza back! So went to play basketball with Deanna for a bit while waiting for the soccer boys. Nothing much else that night, other than when we were writing our reflections and talking about stuffz.
Sunday morning! Mr. Lee didn't go running cause he had to take blood pressure of the girls, so Deanna and I went to shoot hoops/play 1v1. Unsurprisingly, I got owned. Hehe but practice makes perfect I guess. :D Went for breakfast then hmm oh yes tour to Cottesloe beach and Fremantle, which wasn't as fulfilling as first thought. I hope the tour guide didn't take too much offense at our nonchalant attitude though -- we were pretty apathetic about everything >< Still spent 50 bucks though! On like a handmade leather belt 8D NICE and nougats and all. You guys back in Singapore are going to grow fat on the stuff I bought hahahahha.
Came back to the hostel for the last night here, some of the guys went out again to IGA to buy more stuff. I was angsting so I didn't want to go but when they came back I started regretting not going cause they bought tons and tons of cheap stuff which you'll never see in Singapore D: sadface! Still, didn't do much but play tennis soccer (funnn) and eat dinner. And now here I am typing on my keyboard this blog entry.
Tomorrow's the last day we're going to be here and then it's home sweet home Singapore. Although I'll be out of the house first thing on Tuesday morning cause of church camp. I really hope it's been an awesomazing success so far :D
Friday, December 3, 2010
Lunch was awesome my goodness -- fish and chips, fried rice, stir fried chicken, chicken casserole, so niceeee hahah. I actually felt really bad that we flamed the chefs so badly about the not so great food they provided but I hope they didn't take it to heart too much. I know they're extremely proud of their cooking, I would be too.
Afternoon session was a lab session where Deanna, Wendy and Suwe rode bicycles/ran in cool temperature before all of us headed into a temperature chamber with 33 degree heat and 90% humidity -- kind of like an exaggerated Singapore. It was so much like a sauna my gosh all of us were sweating buckets.
After that... went straight to some shopping street in the city to shop for like an hour and a half. Bought jeans for like, less than 30AUD and boxers for 9AUD and a tank for 7AUD and a shirt for 11AUD. Super cheap can I think I've become a shopping master already ahahahah just kidding. Oh I got you your 70% dark chocolates for like, super cheap you better thank me.
There was this musical theater/theater competition after that, nationwide finals -- Storm the Stage. The performers were really good but I felt that some moments were a bit awkward/out of place. Especially the emo/angry acts. But kudos to each and every one of the performers they were seriously very professional. There was this really funny act where this guy used a puppet (Avenue Cue, is it?) and did a song about how he hasn't found his purpose in life. I really think I identify with that totally. Got a picture with him before he left though! Hahah. The show ended at about what, 10.30? So by the time we got back we were all really tired heh.
Got up at like 6 this morning to go for a morning jog with Mr. Lee, Deanna, Pingz and Suwe. The weather was how freaking cold but it was superrr refreshing and all, so it was alright. Scenery was really nice too and all. Then when we got back went to a bakery with awesome pizza bread, popped by the petrol kiosk, then headed over to the pharmacy to get me Ventolin -- 9 AUD only! How much cheaper compared to Singapore man.
Today was a bit dry though, lecture in the morning about motor control and like reflexes and expertise in stuff. I still can't believe (actually maybe I can) that I lost to Deanna in terms of reaction time. She hit 1.28ms while I only did 1.44ms. Oh well!
Lunch was pretty good too but yeah by the time the afternoon session started I was really tired and of course when I'm tired I start overthinking stuff and all. I think I'm sometimes way too competitive for my own good, but I guess it's normal when you see yourself doing nothing well at all, while other people all have their pro areas. Like the soccer guys own at soccer, Deanna's pro at basketball, Douglas is a national fencer, but I'm nobody. So like, what's the point of trying my best at everything when my best is never nearly enough, right?
But that's just me rambling, I keep on telling myself that God takes me for who I am and that I have my own awesome gifts, but like, I still haven't found them I guess. Like, idk what they are at all. Maybe I have a knack for irritating people. Maybe I have a knack of scaring people until they decide to end their friendships with me, I don't know. Just'll have to find out I guess.
At least I found a group for sports science. The people I wanted to work with are all in groups of 4 already so tough luck there, but at least I think working with Teri and Van won't be too bad at all. (: Looking forward to it actually, although now cause I'm emo maybe not that much.
Later we're heading off to King's Park to lie down on beanbags and watch Top Gun and all, so hopefully it'll be a fun experience. Unless I'm too tired to even stay awake and I fall asleep, heh then that'll be pretty darned fail.
Time to while away another 20 minutes of my life without any friends. I miss you, you know?
Seeya, blog.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Morning went for a jog at like 6.30, the sun was up already but the weather was really nice. Ran alongside the river -- scenery was awesome, sparkling waters and comfortable grass.
Then breakfast was pretty alright too before we headed down to the School of Sports Science, Exercise and Health to attend a lecture on Biomechanics of Injury and all. Pretty disgusting how legs can hyperextend into horrible disgusting positions. Then walk back, lunch was quite alright (hee I tend to say this a lot).
But the afternoon session was really cool. The professor showed us the sports science lab with its force plates and 3D cameras and all -- how expensive can. Then he attached like these reflective nodes onto different parts of my body and recreated a 3D me from the cameras. Just lines though, nothing too fantastical.
And then there was this electrical impulse sensor which he attached to Pei Yin (now officially called Pink) to see how the muscles react to weights and movements and all. Naiz much.
Then went for a tour of the grounds, I think University of Western Australia has a really really nice place. Oh, the irony. It's completely open to the public, so it's a community university, but it's also a elite university. Hahahhaa. Went all the way up the 13 floor clocktower and played soccer too! Fun fun fun I've lost everything -- ball sense, positioning, off the ball running -- except for my reflexes <3 Thank God.
Came back to the hostel to play more basketball (ahhh how I wish I were taller but oh well I shall be content with my God-given height) and then dinner (which omg sucked except for the Cajun fish (Y) ) Then Mr. Lee gave us this tutorial on how to use this program which captures video and analyses it, like angles and time changes and everything. Think it'll come in useful for the project although I haven't found my group. Come to think of it, I actually wanna work with a couple of people. Heh just hope they don't mind!
Yeah then lep-sed at the Lounge playing Texas and Saboteur and Taiti before now coming back to my room and typing this long stuff out.
Going to sleep soon I guess! Just hope nobody at home misses me too much =X hahaha. Looking forward to tomorrow, another really tiring really long REALLY FUN DAY.
Night all (:
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Flight SQ223 at 9.30 was quite uneventful, the two air stewards were pretty hilarious but really good fun. OH the fish was really good some weird green sauce but it tasted niceeee. Watched Step Up 3 too, the moves are awesomazing omg. I don't believe some of them, to be honest. Just kidding they're all real. While descending I got a really splitting headache though. It was... pretty bad haha but it's okay now. (:
Hour-long bus ride to St. Cat's College with music blasting and everyone having a good time before dropping off in the 36" Celsius heat. Checked in, got our laptops set up for internet access, and then lepsed and had dinner. Walked over to the petrol kiosk (the streets look really very much like Singapore's -- same traffic light button, similar buses, similar roads, similar bus stops etc. But the food at the kiosk was seriously VERY expensive haha I have a bad feeling I'll lose a lot of money in the next week.
Mm we had a walk around the vicinity too! The shops all closed really early but some eateries looked promising so I hope I'll get the chance to taste whatever there is here (:
Had a good time playing Monopoly Deal with Shawn Wendy and Pingz, while watching football highlights -- The A-League is seriously technically pro. Naizz goals galore. Going to crash soon though! Tomorrow's a long day, starting at 6am for a slow jog before breakfast and a day of lessons about physiology etcetc. Looking forward to it. (:
Gotta go then! Ciao all. :D
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Yesterday was an awesome day. Out of the house from 9am to 12mn doing all sorts of church related stuff -- (Y).
Worship practice was pretty messy, although maybe partially cause it wasn't in the chapel and Liang Zhi's kinda new to it. But still great job praising God, great job LZ :D
Then PMC Cup 2010! Which was also really really fun; just wanna thank Wendy, Ping Yen, Suwe, Manfred, Aloy and Zi Xuan for making the effort to come down to East Coast Park just to play soccer. Even though we didn't win anything I hope you guys had fun and maybe got touched by God here or there! See you guys in school (:
A nice surprise to get top scorers of the tournament (outside of the trophy winners) though. Suwe and PY are deadlyyyyy.
And then after maybe an hour of leping around I went for LG barbecue! Which was also awesomely fun THANK YOU BERT AND JESLYN AND KYLE FOR ORGANISING. Looking forward to the next part of the series hehehe.
So yes we spent an hour waiting for April's dad to fetch us home (thanks Uncle!) and I reached home at a lovely time of 12.15. How fun yesterday was.
Now it's time to dedicate a post to my dear sister.
HEY SIS. Hope your A level preparation is going alright! Even though it's only H1 Chinese I know you've been working hard for it so yeah have faith that God will reward your faith in Him! Trust in Him to provide and just remember that whatever the outcome, it's all God's will and He'll be proud of you no matter what, because He loves us all, Amen!
So yes may He bless you with a calm heart and a peaceful outlook for tomorrow's paper; all the best.
<3, your bro!
I'm feeling very lukewarm about this week -- not dreading it, but not looking forward to it either. It seems like there's going to be a LOT of Project Work and Chinese. I really have to start working on Chinese. But seriously, how much worse can a C5 get? Hehehe. Oh well time to get down to business, boys.
At least there's afternoon PE tomorrow! Badminton... hmm. Grahhhh LET'S DO THIS GOD.
it was worth it in the end;
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Promos have been over for nearly two weeks now, but the past week hasn't been very relaxing either -- thanks to the existence of Project Work. It's been a horribly stressful and tiring week and I'm actually somewhat sick now. Okay, not just somewhat. But yeah oh well today was the OP dry run, it wasn't too bad actually! For a group that had only one day to prepare, we're awesome. So yes, <3 you guys. It's been a wonderful journey together.
Looking forward to the weekend and some good R&R though. So yes I promise myself I'm going to sleep soon.
Oh yes, I need to introduce you to Barney, my friendly purple laptop. :D He's an amazing kid! I was extremely surprised I could play Starcraft 2 on it hehe.
And yes, that's the update of my life so far! Just... a heck load of Project Work. Oh I'm going to be bowling for interhouse games with Chris Hwang hahahha but I suck so yes, I'm going to need some practice soon. Anyone up for a game with me? (:
Do tell me kay! AND FOR POSTERITY'S SAKE -- MY HANDPHONE CANNOT RECEIVE OR MAKE CALLS. So yes if need to contact me -- sms. Thank you very much much <3
Bye all! Sleep beckons. (:
Saturday, October 2, 2010
ONLY ONE MORE PAPER LEFT! I really really cannot wait for promos to be over but first, I have to make sure my chem is up to scratch. Which it isn't. So yes this weekend left. But since I've got the whole week freed up next week, does ANYBODY WANNA GO OUT AND DO STUFFZ?
I think this exam period has really brought me closer to God. And really, THANK GOD for pulling me through everything. (:
My computer's so boring nowadays there are no games to be played that are fun whatsoever. Grah.
We cry;
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Today wasn't an awesome day. I seem to be just going through the paces all the time. Week after week of monotony and like, just days passing by as the promos draw nearer. Gosh why does it feel so devoid of anything going on?
At least service this morning was pretty refreshing. And Marcus had this really meaningful line in his worship leading today --
"Thank God if you're disappointed in your friends, because it means that you have them."
And I just teared when I reflected on that line. You guys should know why.
Monopoly Deal is an awesome game I think I'll go buy it someday. (: Makes you think think think because there's so many possibilities.
I'm leading a life of drudgery, so I'm neither looking forward nor dreading next week. Hopefully things will be alright and all.
Camp Group outing was yesterday, FINALLY! After like, 3 months. Spent lunch at Pizza Hut making weird cheese names (hehe Shak) and burned our Haagen-Daaz vouchers on their fondue, which was really good. (: Love you guys, so here's a message to my dear camp group from O.M.G 2010.
HEY ALL. I know we only spent three days together at camp, but I'm really glad that we've gotten to know each other and stayed in touch after camp. Don't forget that you'll always have this group of friends, if not specifically us, then the whole YMpact, yeah? Keep on pushing on with God and with life.
Mahdi's flying off to the UK in a few hours! And I can't pass him my note so I'll type it out here.
MAHDI! It's been really awesome knowing you this past year. I'm sure you've had a ton of fun in school and in training. You've blessed the whole track team with your fun-loving attitude and none of us can possibly forget smashing eggs on our heads during track party after Nationals. You devious person (: Anyway, all the best in the UK and enjoy your time there yeah? Your presence will be missed by many people very very much. Take care alright? Stay happy and keep in touch!
Best wishes, David
Three days break already, Friday to Sunday; Tomorrow is going to be a start of the mugera. Let's do this. First step -- anybody wanna study with me? :D HAHA.
I still have this void in my life. Sad faceeeeee much. I'm going to fill it somehow.
But we can't;
We can't tell;
The future no;
The first kiss, the beauty of the world we know.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Anyway shall make a quick quick blogpost about YOG hehe because once again, pictures say athousand words. Which would make this blogpost maybe... 50 thousand words long.
Okay so yeah YOG Volunteering was really really fun! Bishan Stadium was an awesome team and I really had fun over there. AND I GOT MY SOUTH AFRICAN JERSEY HEHEHE WHEEEE. And made friends with a cool guy! Roelf Pienaar, congratulations on your bronze for YOG Long Jump, it's an awesome achievement! Really cool to meet you haha. Cheerios.
Okayyyy back to work...
UPDATE! Back to being bored during Project Work. Ohmygosh 2 hours of Econs later I don't believe it do you. D:
But after that I'm home free! To go studee! Heehee! Omg damn lame (:
Two more days to the weekend!
I realize I lose a lot of friends for no reason; like they'll suddenly just stop replying my smses or like, start ignoring me and all. And I have no clue why because they're all from different backgrounds and all. Am I doing something oh so wrong? D:
Man I must make my life a bit more interesting; a bit more worthwhile. Up to me I guess. And God. No more shit crap retardedness that He doesn't like. Must try and keep my promises, dude.
Youtube video, then! STREET DANCE SOUNDTRACK.
Friday, August 20, 2010
I don't have anything to do, so I decided why not blog?
Anyway I've been having an okay day. Even though I still haven't gotten round to studying yet, which I promise myself I will after a game of DotA. But yeah my promises are like next to worthless so yes I MUST MAKE SURE I DO THIS PROPERLY.
Bio SPA was pretty retarded, why in the world were the values so unorthodox! But at least the theory side was alright. I don't get a single thing about math lectures, grah.
I was thinking this morning about what would happen if I stopped trying to maintain friendships, and I realized that I wouldn't have any friends left. Cause I feel (a lot of the time) that my friendships are all super one sided. It's all me trying to initiate conversations and trying to plan stuff and all. And nobody's reciprocating. It burns pretty bad -.-
Oh well I'm looking forward to YOG Athletics tomorrow! Yay finally can get my chance to meet people even pro-er than Calvin Khor. Hehe. Jerseys, here I come. On the sad side though I won't be able to go to church AT ALL this weekend! Grah so I'm going to make sure LG is fun today (:
And I'm pretty irritated cause I haven't gotten that bug away yet. Like it's always there waiting to come back and although I promised myself not to let it get to me it always does. Ugh. How do I get rid of you, stupid crap?
Anyway yes, like I said, game of DotA, then shower and go church mugggggggg. At least try la kay.
I loves this song.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Arghhhh I don't believe this promotional examinations are in SIX WEEKS = 42 DAYS and I'm not even feeling the heat therefore I'm hardly studying! Actually hardly is an overstatement. I'm NOT studying AT ALL.
ARGH I need more motivation. ):
On a happy note! CONGRATULATIONS all you Chinese taking people who got back awesome results today. That refers to (to the best of my knowledge) Rachael Vic Joelle Carissa! Great job peoples, now time to chiong for prelims and O levels :D
My gosh NS is getting on my nerves, seriously. What's the point of a TEN THOUSAND buck fine for missing one deadline that's years in advance? Grah. And my STUPID computer cannot access the dumb Singpass webpage. Which means I have to use the school computer which means I have to go to the school library. -.- Sianz.
Chem SPA sucked.
Don't be so sad that today didn't really make you as happy as you'd wanted it to! I'm sure other days will be better. And today is like, the day you celebrate God watching over you for 13 years already! So yeah cheer up kay. (:
You're now officially a teenager now; so yeah! Jiayou and all the best for the rest of the year in secondary 1. Seriously, you'll blink and secondary school will have passed you by so enjoy yourself now! But not too much; stay focused on exams yeah? And of course spend time with God! Continue growing in Him and wanting to get to know Him more and more. And may He bless you richly in return.
So yes even though you very apparently did not have that awesome a day, treasure it all the same! 13 is a year that will pass by veryyyyyy quickly. Hehe. GOD BLESS YOU.
Love, David! :D
My blog is so pointless ah. Only ranting and complaining. Haha my gosh. I need some cool stuffz and happiness in my life to blog about! Come onnnnnnnnn something!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Festival of Praise was AWESOME can?
I think Ps. Che Ahn's sermon about hope really inspired many people, and Planetshakers and Don Moen are such God-given blessings for us. (: Not to mention the many new friends I met over both days of FoP.
There's always something in my heart that I really cannot verbalize. But I know that God knows and that's enough for me.
Pictures up soon! I totally cannot wait for next year's edition (:
Worship today was really fun! And I'm glad that Zhi Ting came over today haha. Come back next week yeah? Soccer after that wasn't so much fun, to be honest. Too restricted, too much pressure, I need TIME to express myself on the pitch! Don't shackle me pleaseeee?
I'm kind of dreading school? But it's only three and a half days, so I guess I can survive it. I guess. Project work is so irritating, my goodness. But it's part and parcel of life, what to do? That said I still have to catch up on work for math and bio and econs. My goodness I'm such a retard to let myself fall behind by so much. ): Sadface can?
On a side note! I've been feeling really very emo recently. I have no idea why. But haiz I'll just have to believe that God will make a way, yeah?
You are Awesome, Lord. You really are, and no matter what I might feel when I'm down, I hope You know that I will always believe in that in the deepest parts of my heart.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
OKAY SINCE I HAVEN'T DONE THIS FOR A WEEK and I'm free now, why not!
Anyway, I'm sorry for being so MIA I just don't feel the urge to blog nowadays cause life's so boring.
How ironic; 'Blogger' and 'blog' come out as misspelled words.
Youth Sunday was really fun, dancing and playing keys for His glory. And the preparations, although not so awesome, still had their good moments. For some reason I can't pull anything from my memories for what happened after Youth Sunday... oh yeah the really tense/stressed out dance debrief. PEOPLE DON'T WORRY LA WE'LL BE FINE AND AWESOME :D God will provide yeah.
This week has been so not fulfilling, to say the least. Nothing doing except for school (which for some reason seems like such a drag even though I can't say I'm not interested), and studying (which I have not been doing oh my gosh). At least PE is really really fun! Handball in a full court isn't too bad (:
Then there's Project Work. Freak you EOM. Pain in the butt to the max can? And even for training cause everybody's separated and there's remedials and all, it's kind of boring. Ahhh. I did a 12.36 for 5th All-Comer's though! I'm quite happy with that time cause well, it's a personal best, for starters. And I'm veryvery sure I can break 12s if I work on my shoulders and arm swing. Cheerios I'm so going to do that by next race.
I really think there's something missing from my life, I just can't really place what it is. Oh and I realize that a lot of people don't know that I loveeee to sing. Maybe I'm not the best, maybe I don't practice a lot. But I love it! Same goes for dance. (:
Festival of Praise is coming up in like, 3 more days! That's one thing to look forward to this week, I guess. In addition to Agape Cup Friendly on Sunday. So yes, Friday and Saturday night, awesome worship and inspiring sermon. Natalie Wee you'd better go or you'll miss so so so much okay!
Like I said, nothing much to blog about. Bye. Wednesday, mock SPA, Thursday, nothing, Friday. I'm just counting down the days to my death, seems like. Freaking routine and pointless, can?
I feel so drained and I have no idea why;
I could really use a wish right now;
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Week 1 -- RMUN
RMUN was yet another really fun experience for me, even though it's from a completely different perspective, from being a participant last year to an Assistant Director this. But all the same it was fun, what with reading random retarded notes being passed around and just getting to know more people. And of course, Dinner and Dance was cool although it wasn't that high-profile. We spent most of it having group fun-ness on the roof :D
Anyway, a few shout outs!
Gen -- HEY YOU. Thanks so much for being a hyper, yet really really nice person throughout the whole process of RMUN. I hope you had a great time getting to know new people and having a feel of what MUN is like :D Continue to be awesome and hyper and nice kayyyyy! <3!

And yes it was an awesomazing experience, really. Never experienced a June camp before, so this would be a first. Surprisingly got grouped with Yi Ying and Bert again (okay maybe not so surprisingly) but yeah it was still an eye opening experience for me, cause the whole point of the camp was different compared to 13th Crossing. SOLOMON IS AWESOME TOO. :D

I'm really glad you guys managed to warm up to each other so quickly and although I kinda got the perception that most of you were quiet and shy I was proven wrong when you came out of your shells to become pretty good friends. And yeah can't say that the activities didn't help bond our group together. Even as we move on from camp, let's keep in touch and continue in our journey together yeah? :D OUTING SOON.
And yeah I became closer to a lot of other people during camp too. Like even those whom I didn't talk to but got notes from (yes I'm talking about you haha). Thanks so much to everyone who encouraged me in one way or another! YMpact is awesome ttm.
Sermons were really inspiring too. Specifically the altar call. I just went up not really knowing what to expect, cause it was a pretty general thing like laying down your life for God to use. But I think God inspired Daniel to pray for the things that I really was worrying about. Worry, studies, family, money, all that. And I was so touched that God knows about everything and that someone actually could feel how I felt. And my face just suddenly became super super SUPER hot and I just started tearing, then sobbing, finally crying. And I've never felt anything like that before, it was such a shocking yet calming experience for me. God is awesome and He works in mysterious ways that we can never comprehend.
Although there were some... problems near the end for me. But hopefully with God's Grace I don't have to worry about them too much and we'll be able to sort things out. I hate losing people I love very much. It totally burns. ):

But yeah church camp was an experience worthy of its name -- O.M.G. In both senses of the acronym. :D And now it kind of sucks, because I'm suffering from for post-camp withdrawal symptoms, and pre-common test freakout symptoms. Haiz.
God will provide. I know He will, I trust He will, He will.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Hey man.
What's up man.
I don't know man.
Don't you think Sharpay's hot man?
Yeah totally man.
Or something along those lines! Man. Hehehe.
Hahha okay I know it sounds damn weird coming from me but well everyone thinks so. Cheng Yi damn cute can? HAHAHA. I honestly feel that I didn't waste 16 bucks. Although it's like, OHMYGAWD SIXTEEN BUCKS ARE YOU SERIOUS?! (: Thanks for a great show RGS Choir.
But yeah, I'm really glad that you managed to pull through everything that's been going on and all. Know it hasn't been easy on you and our friendship but yeah you're still awesome anyhow. :D I'll bake you some potatoes someday HAHAHHAHAHHA.
Why do I feel that everyone is against me? I really have no idea what I've done. Really. So please do enlighten me whether I've offended you or whatever. It's so irritating trying to second guess you guys. Zzz.
When I say everyone, I don't mean EVERYONE. Just a target group. (:
I can't wait for Sec3 LBE this weekend! Hehehehhe I'm going to referee and HEHEHE I'M GONNA COME UP WITH FORFEITSSSSS. You guys watch out.
On yet another spiritual note: GOD HELP ME GOD.
I really really really need your peace. There's so many things in life right now and I can feel myself buckling under the pressure. Problems with myself, mainly. And I don't know, maybe stuff to do with my friends in school?
But I know that your unfailing love is always there for me to draw upon. Sometimes I totally feel that I don't deserve an ounce of it (I mean, who hasn't felt this way?). And some other times I just think that I've been taking advantage of it all the time. I still want to thank You all the same.
Help me straighten out my life and my walk please. Thank You. (:
Awesomazing God.
Monday, May 17, 2010
I realize that I'm always wasting my time. Computer games, surfing the net doing retarded stuff... I should be putting all that time to good use.
Back to square one. Why can't I ever prevent myself from doing it? It's like I'm always failing no matter how hard I try. Or am I trying hard enough?
This will be the last.
I promise, God. I'm sorry.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
On a completely lighter note, I really think these two years in track are going to be the most enjoyable in my life. Even though training completely sucked yesterday where I couldn't even do 4 sets of 80m-push ups-80m-abdominals-80m-squats-80m, and when everybody else was doing what, 5. It just goes to show how unfit I am and it's completely unprecedented. I've never felt this way before and my fitness has never atrophied this badly before. Less than 1k with exercises that I should be pulling off with no kick? Running slower than the whole jumps team? This just isn't me. I'm less fit than girls, my gosh. Not being sexist or anything here, I hope you can tell.
And I'm going to do something about it. It shouldn't be this way -- it won't be this way.
But that was supposed to be a "lighter note". Well here it is! Track dinner yesterday was retardedly funnnnn. Even though it was completely filled with ego and innuendos. (:
I'm looking forward to life; I really am. But I know sometimes nothing will feel right. Like how it did yesterday. But I'll move on and get up and danceeeeeeee.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I honestly thought it would be completely normal. Go to school, go for training, maybe have dinner with trackers, then go home. But the first 9 messages started the day off awesomely.
Then in school people whom I thought didn't even know it's my birthday just came up to me and wished me. Class spammed a birthday song before GP lesson, and then my first time playing soccer in over a MONTH. I think I played pretty well for someone like that.
And then came training. Mini surprise in the form of a sweet hunt (had to find 17 sweets; only found 16 though cause the last one was sneaky until...). Training was mostly physical and a longgg captains' ball game before finishing up. We were all super filthy and wet and stinky and suddenly, the team broke out a CAKE and celebrated Ben's YY's and my birthdays! Totally awesomazing. And then there was the customary taupok and cake facial which made my face smell like chocolate omg. But IT WAS AMAZINGLY FUN.
And well. I just want to thank you guys. It feels like such a blessing to have an epic team like the one we have right now and I'm enjoying every moment I spend with you. A really nice surprise on a day that I thought would be completely normal. You guys rock! (Y)
And I also want to thank a very important person in my life -- THANK YOU GOD. For blessing me so abundantly! I just pray that You'll help me in my birthday wish. (:
After that nobody could eat dinner though cause everyone had to rush home to do PI. But once again I felt really blessed because I finished it up super early and managed to be a blessing in turn!
And of course a shoutout to the one and only person who called me to wish me happy birthday in person. Really, it was a sweet thing to do, I'm sorry I was so fail cause I don't have caller ID. :D
Looking soooooo forward to training tomorrow. (:
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Oh gosh, why can't I change. Why. Just stop, drop everything, and start over. Why can't I do something seemingly so simple yet infinitely hard in practice. I will. Starting TODAY.
I'm also starting to feel life doesn't have much of a purpose. I mean, everyday is go school study go home slack on the computer sleep repeat xInfinitely. What's the whole point? And the things I'm supposedly living for pass by so quickly. I need to learn how to shift my world view.
God help me change, please. Show me a way to remind myself to follow your will. Thank you.
Preliminary Idea is retarded. But I think mine's pretty alright actually. Just need to cut down another 80 words or so from an already super skeletal work. Ah well how hard can that be?
Completely awesome singer (Y)
CYCLING THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON ANYONE? :D From East Coast Park to church! Wheeeee.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
And yes, this is directed at you too. I'm going to try my very best to change and become a better person. Starting from now. You'll be there rooting for me right! :D
God is AWESOMAZING. I might sound like a total hypocrite with what I've done and have been doing, but I still love Him and I know He loves me. In lieu of that -- He is awesomazing.
So God,
I know I've failed you continuously. Even until now. And I foresee many failures ahead. But Father, I thank you so much for your unending love and grace, which fills my cup to the brim. I know that to get this awesome stuff I need to get rid of the worldly pleasures that I have now and I pray that you'll help me do so. Give me discipline, give me strength, give me wisdom. Arm me with your weapons and your armor to fend off temptation. Thank You, Father Almighty. From today onwards, I promise You that I will try my best to be a new man.
You're awesomazing, you know? In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Cheerios today was good. Iron Man 2 is pretty epic, and the trailer at the end... THOR IS COMING TO TOWN. (Y)
I'm so looking forward to catching up with you, our plans were foiled AGAIN today. Hahahhaa oh well. All the best for bowling season yeah. Go burn the lanes. (:
I WILL GET THROUGH THIS. With His love, with your support.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Just too awesome. :D Even though we basically did nothing it was DAMN FUN. All thanks goes to Debby and her family for being such gracious hosts even though we really trashed her beloved bicycle card set and like, made a huge mess of her house. But yeah I think we totally completely destroyed the tranquil atmosphere that's supposed to be night. Hahahhaha.
It's been two Saturdays of partying, first Mahdi's place, then Deb's. Which REALLY make me look forward to Track Chalet in June. I think it's going to be even more epic than what has happened so far.
Oh and track exco interview was... not very stressful at all. Much less than HISSOC, at least. But on hindsight I kind of regret saying that I'm not ready for the captain's post. I actually feel I am ready, but other people might suit the post better than me. Yep. Wasted opportunity there, and I'm not sure if I'll get it back. Hopefully I will though? Hopefully I will.
I'm going to start living a proper life with God. I know I haven't been doing so, even though I really need to. So here's my declaration. Let's do this.
Oh and, heh. Homework needs to be done. But I'll place God first and He'll take care of my worries in time. (: Because He's awesome.
Cheerios! I'm off.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
And because of his STUPID mid-life crisis, he's tantrum throwing all the time and this wakes up my mom. And my mom is at first, pretty nice about it. Telling me that I should tell my friends that I don't wanna play and all that.
But then I tell her that I've stopped playing and was just helping my friend with his project because it's due tomorrow. And she starts questioning my time management and his time management. What the shit. So what if our time management sucks, he still has to get it done right? And I'm helping him, why are you so selfish that you can't let me help him?!
The best part is that you, my own mother, tells me "Fuck you" when you can't argue with me anymore. What is WRONG WITH YOU?! When did it become wrong to help people out with something they're struggling with?! When did it become wrong to stay up late to advise people?! WHY ARE YOU SO SELFISH.
Seriously. I'd love to help you/daddy, and I really think that I have, by not being a nuisance with my schoolwork and school behavior, by doing everything that's asked of me without complaining. And this is how you treat me?
I know you just want me to get more sleep, but sometimes some things are more important than my own sleep or my own comfort. I just hope you understand that I place a REALLY HUGE importance on relationships. I still stand by the fact that you have hardly any close friends and you have so many.
God, help me with this please. Help me with this struggle, help me be UNDERSTANDING towards my parents' feelings. Thank you.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Standing broad jump 250cm! New boundaries :D Although not as good as Calvin Efron Khor's 294cm. OMG freaky much.
I have lost my ability to do a 3 second human flag. It's damn short now, maybe 1 second only. Pffft. Sian much.
Math test was pretty alright! Hehe. *sneaky grin*
Grah half the week's gone and I just feel it's been so meaningless. I cannot wait for partehhhhh this Saturday. (Y)
Efron and Princess so scandalous! Haahhahaha Facebook has it all. (Y)
Happy birthday youuuuuu (: It's been awesome knowing you through track since the start of the year, I know you've been having an awesome time! Anyway I hope that you're coping well with schoolwork and the loaddd of lecture tests and PW stuff that's being thrown at us right now. And yeah, we hardly talk nowadays! But yeah, all the best for the rest of the year; continue to stay hyper and awesome. (Y)
Once again, happy birthday! Hope you had a great one. ;D
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Went there at like, 4.30? Where Berenice Zahrah GL Keefe Jon and Kevin were already filling water bombs. And then suddenly out of the blue they just started pelting each other and the party hadn't even started yet. But the most epic moment was when everyone was there already, and Mahdi decided to play a game. Five losers were chosen, and given eggs; 1 was supposedly uncooked. So we all smashed them against our heads and ohwhatagreatsurprise all of them were raw. Mahdi you sneaky little thing hahahhaha. Great trick bro.
"That was so stupid!!! Why would anyone crack an egg on their head?!?"
And then we seriously had a food fight. Like, in the literal meaning of the term. To quote Keefe, "water, soy sauce and milk make one hell of a party :D" You forgot to mention mayo, soap, oranges, whipped cream and whatnot. HAHA.
Dinner was awesome, THANK YOU AUNTY AND MAHDI. Oh and seriously, a regular sized pool table?!?! (Y). Not to mention more dares involving shirt stripping and water using the pool table! Left at nearly 10.30 to cab home otherwise I wouldn't be typing this right now.
I really think tiredness kills me. Always feel super freaking emo when I'm exhausted mentally and it's like I start to jump to conclusions and everything. It's not so bad when I'm physically tired cause if that's the case I just zone out. But when I'm mentally tired it's such a different case. Ahhh well.
And I just feel that I'm so out of my depth in my class sometimes. Like everyone is so over-achieving and here I am just making my own way trying to do what I can even though I'm some major bigass slacker. Yeah. But sometimes it's so infuriating that I can't even find things to talk about that are in common.
At least I have a few people I can really talk to. And I'm really thankful for them. :D
Church today was really good. Worship was epically high, and then sermon was basically roughly the same as Fusion. And then... SG lunch was really really successful and I actually think Just Acia is pretty worth the money you pay for it because you seriously eat until you bust. Hahhahaa.
SGL meeting was... insightful yet confusing all the same. I think I'm going to have to work this out a bit.
And talking of working out. I NEED TO TRAIN OMG I MISS TRACK TRAINING LOADS. I cannot wait until we begin again because I CAN FEEL MYSELF BECOMING FAT. Anybody wanna go running?
Cheers to another week of school. Hope it won't be too hellish, but what can I say with two lecture tests coming up?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Which was incidentally an awesomely fun day actually; school ending at 12.30 and then going home early to lepak until about 4 before going down to church to "help out" with the BB and GB stuff. Didn't really do much, actually. Heh. Only bad spot? PW is being a bitch and not even half the year's gone yet.
But the later part of the day was magical. Met up with Mel and Aisyah before heading down to Victoria Concert Hall for Chamber Ensemble concert! I honestly think they did awesomely well even though some people might think otherwise. And to make it better the whole J1 track team was there, plus Debby/Jacob/Amit/Cheryl. Then MORE track lepaking at Macs until what, 11.30 before we frantically tried to find cabs that allowed five people. Which, in the end, were none. So CalMelJon did a nice thing and spent money so we could all cab home together.
Reached home at what, past midnight. But I really had an awesome time.
Today's going to be as good, if not better. :D
PW PW PW why do you have to be such an 'integral' part of the A level syllabus? It just doesn't make sense -.- tell me what lifeskill this gives us? My gawshhhhh.
But otherwise I'm doing alright. I NEED MORE WORK ETHIC PFFFFT RAWR. I feel so out of depth especially in my class, where everyone is aiming like past the stars into some unknown dimension with their ambitions and whatnot. There is something called overachieving you know. And the way they talk about being behind lessons and not finishing tutorials. Let's just say that other classes have people who haven't even started doing those tutorials, okay?
Gosh, take a chill pill already.
That was not a rant (: Just trying to... focus myself and not lose track of who I am. Yeah. Although I do admit that I need to work a BIT harder.
With all the earth we will sing;
God our hope and our salvation,
Worthy of all the praise.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
AND I'm still failing. Even after renewal. It's a daily battle and I really want to win every single day. So God, help me. Help me with Your amazing strength and grace. Don't make me second-guess myself; lie to myself. Thank You. I'm sorry for continuously straying from You, help me get my life back on the right path. Forgive me I pray; I know You love me so so much. Let me live a true life so that I'll never doubt myself, I'll never have that burden weighing down on my shoulders. All this in Jesus' name, Amen.
Guan Rong's chamber concert tomorrow! I can't wait I think it's going to be awesome. Good luck yeah! You'll do awesome :D
And then a super long weekend hmmmmm but I think I'll be okay. The stress of PW is kind of catching up but I'm sure we can al handle it right, Krystal/Guan Lin/JieMin/Ke Xin. Cheers!
This singer is goooooood (Y).
Okay I'm going to sleep freaking early today. Because I'm totally gonna talk to Him. I need to. Bye!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Like at the start I was pretty taken aback cause we were singing hymns which honestly were quite cool. But soon the house band started rocking the foundations and we just rocked along with them. And Pastor Kai Ming's sermon was so awesome. He made his message so plainly clear. There IS a God. (:
Ended at 11 plus, can you believe that.
And then there was today. I know it wasn't really orthodox but I'm seriously glad that I chose to get baptized. Because it marks this epic milestone in my life where I seriously drop all the excess baggage that I've had and just live my life for God. :D Discipline time. And I'm glad my parents don't mind; still working on them though. It was stupid to not ask them to come; I thought they didn't really bother about what I did in church but who knows? Maybe I'm wrong.
Lavish Dine is an awesome catering place by the way.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thanks for being such an awesome track teammate and friend. I totally look up to you at how you can control you temper even though we're the subject of lame pranks sometimes and everything. And for being such a pro on the track!
So yes, getting to that, congrats on your 4 medal haul at this year's Nationals. Not an easy feat (maybe for me) but for you I'm sure it's pretty awesome. Now it's ack to mugging like a mugger in this mugger school of ours. Continue to be a humble servant of God and looking to Him in your times of need!
I really thank Him for blessing all our lives with you and I just hope that you'll continue being the cheerful fun-loving person you are.
Praise be to Him! And once more, happy birthday. Have an awesome night!
Oh and this is the first time I've done a video shoutout but I think it's really fitting. (Y) Cheers!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Even though I'm not doing anything to contribute except cheer till my lungs burst and my vocal cords snap.
Good luck Shahrir, Calvin, Yeong Yang, Zahrah, Berenice, Aisyah, Inez, Fiona, Cheryl, and whoever else I can't think of right now. You guys will do awesome. I just know it.
And then we stuff ourselves with 29 dollar buffet food.
To B or not to B; that is the question. Chances are, to B.
Monday, April 12, 2010
I'm so far behind in schoolwork. I suck at track, even though I love it so much. My relationships with my friends are all so superficial and sometimes awkward. And the friends who I really trust I hardly see; talk to.
To anyone who thinks I like them, please, I'm just a friendly guy. Don't take how I behave the wrong way.
Like said point, my schoolwork is dying. And I have absolutely no motivation to study. Starting with Econs lecture test tomorrow. Wts.
And I don't see any point in me going to school it's just routine and repetitive and focus-less. To make it worse, I have no idea how to make it better.
Don't give me that crap with "positive attitude" and all that shit, because how can I have a positive attitude when I feel that so many things are stacking against me?
If I didn't have God I'd be so forsaken right now. He is totally awesome.
Desert song. That's what I feel right now. In a desert.
What, please tell me what I did to you to deserve this. I want to know; and it would make life so much easier.
On a happier side note; Thank you so much, Grace and Zara. You've been really bright lights in my life recently. (:
Track nationals today was pretty good! Pretty pretty good actually. REALLY GOOD. Congratulations Shahrir Anuar, Seow Yeong Yang and Calvin Ethan Khor. Great job sweeping 200m; first sprints sweep in God knows how long. (:
And congrats to Inez and Cheryl and Nat for doing so well in 400mH! You guys are awesome.
Oh and of course, a shoutout for Champion Wan Zahrah who basically destroyed everyone in 3000k A Girls. (Y)!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Anyway church today was good, sermon on spending our time wisely (which I have continually and consistently failed to do) before SG time. Ice cream is good. Cheap ice cream is better! Then lunch out with RachK Rebecca Felicia Mabel and her sis. BBQ chicken isn't that awesome, hehe. (:
Tried to study in church, at least I managed to complete infinitely more homework today than yesterday (that is, 2 worksheets as compared to none). YEAH. I'm on my way to becoming a workhorse.
Cannot wait for tomorrow! Is this what, the third time I'm saying this? Hehe. And then there's Fusion this Saturday. People please do check your event page on Facebook kthxbyeeeeeee.
I need to know how to read behaviors; cause I'm getting dizzy from the whirlwind of complexities.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Finally completed Baptism and Membership class though! I'm looking forward to the service and a new start with God. (: He knows I need it.
And I really need to start doing work, I just realized how much I'm lost today when I looked at a couple of questions and went 'huh?'. Tomorrow afternoon is a work day, I'm sorry Galacticos. You guys'll do fine without me, anytime anyday. :D
Okay. Things to do.
Econs Case Study.
Chem Tutorials and Worksheet.
Math Tutorials.
Biology Tutorials.
Holy crap that's so much, at least I'm missing school on Monday (Y). Time to start finding people to study with.
I'm finding it so hard, Father, but I know there's always a way and that way is through You.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Anyway, congratulations to everybody who's competed in the Nationals so far, I'm sure you guys have done your best and put in all your effort so whatever the result, take heart! You're always epic. And well, further congrats to those who are pro-er than the rest of us. People like:
Cheryl Ann Lee, Sarah Chong, Wen Rui, Yan Rui, Aisyah, Debby Wong, Calvin Khor, Melvyn Koe, Shahrir Anuar, Seow Yeong Yang, Jing Sheng, Ben Wong, Ng Jun Rui, Inez Leong, and whoever else!
Two more days to our double championship once more guys. Let's do this. :D
And the weekend is here! THIS TIME. I MUST GET SOME WORK DONE. At the very least. Going to miss another two days of school, on Monday and Wednesday, so I really cannot afford to drop behind any further. (:
But I really really wanna find a way to make all my time worthwhile.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I'll try to cope as best as I can. I promise. And God will help me, won't He! :D
Class camp tomorrow, not sure if I'm looking forward to it, but I'll make the most of it.
Thanks Bert. (:
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Although we had to get up super early today because we had to be in church at 8 (homg right) to get ready. But everything paid off, even though I was rushing here and there from worship to prep for skit to skit to post-skit adrenaline. Thank God for the success today, really. I hope I'll understand the magnitude of this day in the weeks to come.
And that talk with Bert was a real refresher. Made me open my eyes to things that I would've never thought about, honestly. Even in the minute actions;
What would Jesus do? Am I reflecting God's image? Have I straightened out my spiritual life? Maybe not just yet, but I'm working on it. (:
I always have this bad feeling that I'm going to fail in my walk with God. Not in the big picture sense, but here and there. And I don't want that to happen. Who would? But to be able to do so, I need to have discipline.
sin is broken; you have saved me,
christ is risen; jesus YOU are lord of all!
I haven't done a single ounce of work this whole holiday. Oh my goodness freakkkkkkk. I should be having more work ethic! Gahhhh crap omgggggg. Haiz someone study with me please? I can't study on my own at all.
Before school starts heating up I really have to get back on track. Or else I'll just die a horrible death. I feel like I'm just wasting away my life doing nothing meaningful, every week a repeat of the previous one. Sure seems like it.
And youuuuuu I wanna talk! Haven't had a proper conversation in ages already.
Thank you for loving me, cause you're doing it perfectly;
So just a quick prayer;
Father, I'm sorry for all the times I've been a hypocrite to you. I'm sorry for saying sorry without meaning it. I'm sorry for always turning away from your loving face. And I realize, after acting in the skit, that You will always love me. And it is because of this never-ending love that I want to reciprocate. Help me do so, Lord, because I cannot do it out of my own strength. Help me by breaking the bondages that sin has on my life; help me get out of this trough I've dug myself into. I want to live a life free of burden, so that I can jump my highest to praise Your wonderful name. Thank You. In Jesus name I pray;
Friday, April 2, 2010
Today was really fun. GAG was a great time of fellowship and bonding and just being crazy and competitive while learning about God's Amazing Grace. Although sometimes my patience ran really short trying to keep a hold on the sec 1 kids (especially 10 of them) but we all pulled through in the end.
Just wanna give an awesome shout-out to Jill Jocelyn Felicia and Jessica, as well as everyone who helped out with the event.
And had LG dinner at Diane's house after that; I am going to grow fat. Pizza followed by KFC chicken followed by TCC Cheesecake, which is really very nice, btw. And now I'm back. Tomorrow's going to be another long day!
Studying in church, then soccer fellowship, then GAG rehearsal, then worship practice. But it's going to be sooooo worth it in the end (:
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Today was crazily tiring. And the best part is, I didn't even go for training. Because there was YOG Volunteer training! Which wasn't awesome and to be honest I dropped off a couple of times. But at least I picked up a bit of new stuff.
Then dinner with Jiale and Stephen and Matthew which was a breath of fresh air. Actually before that had time to train for a bit but I really was too tired. Although I totally felt like restless cause I missed training a lot.
And now I'm home and not sleeping. Lucky tomorrow have break, getting up at 7 to FINALLY PLAY SOCCER WITH THE PROS. (:
I'm a lucky, happy kid. At least that's what I'd like to think. :D
Today's epic video. Actually, TWO.
You're 18 years old! Thanks for being such an awesome friend ever since I've known you although recently we haven't been talking much and all. But I think you're still a wonderful person all the same and I hope we don't drift apart tooooo much even though we're both so super busy nowadays with JC and church stuff going on.
All the same, continue faithfully following God and serving Him the best you can! And of course, all the best for the last half year or so leading up to A levels; you'll do fine, I'm sure of it. Once again, happy 18th birthday, and God bless! <3
Not bad eh, finally can start watching NC16 movies. It's been really nice getting to know you since... wait, how did we meet again? O_O I don't even remember. But I'm really glad that the times we've had playing soccer and all were reallyreally fun, and I'm sure you feel the same way too. Although we hardly ever talk about stuff other than soccer cause I hardly see you. Hahaha.
It's O level year! How're your preparations coming up; hope they're not going too bad yeah? Work your hardest for the rest of the year and well, enjoy the long but well-deserved break that comes after your efforts. It's no small thing and I'll be praying that you get into whatever JC you're aiming for.
Oh and you really should be more adventurous playing soccer. Don't care who you're playing against luh! Just take the ball and go for a run. (: Defending isn't just about winning the ball and kicking it away; you'd be surprised how many goals are scored by people in your position. I'm looking forward to playing with you and your neighbors again because you guys never fail to have fun and that's what soccer should be about, innit?
All the same, HAPPY 16TH. Hope you'll have/be having an awesome day ahead, even though you've already celebrated your birthday. And continue to grow in the Lord and learning about Him! Love, David. :D
How're you, schoolmate? Hope you've been enjoying your time in RJC so far picking up girls. :D JUST KIDDING.
Anyway I'm sure work isn't killing you yet because it isn't killing me and I'm having quite a fun time so you should be too. But don't get carried away with the fun and games cause Common Tests will be here in no time.
It's really cool seeing you serving as an SGL and I hope that your SG members come to love you more than just a leader or teacher. Continue serving the Lord; I'm sure your SG members really appreciate it.
Once again, happy 17th. (: Have an epic day in school getting taupoked!
And that's it for today. :D
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
School as per normal, although I stupidly overslept on the bus and had to rush like mad and burn 4 bucks on a taxi just to get to school on time. Super wasted luh omg. PE was lame cause the field was shitty to the max. Can you believe that they just returfed it last year? Go get an astroturf already, you rich school named RJC.
And I was in for a major surprise after school. Yeong Yang just randomly came up to me and said "Oh can you help me eat this cookie I'm kinda sick of it." And I totally didn't suspect anything because I thought that it was a normal Oreo cookie. How wrong I was. So I stuffed the whole cookie into my mouth, cause that's how I usually eat Oreos, and I didn't realize anything was amiss, other than the cookie being a bit soggy. Which would be normal if the cookie had been exposed to air for awhile. But noooo after awhile it started tasting like peppermint. Not that strong, because I'd just drunk grass jelly, but after awhile, guess what. It just reeked of toothpaste and it tasted like shitttttttttt. But because the whole thing was in my mouth already I just had to bear it and swallow. Like what the heck?! I bet I'm going to get stomach problem or SOMETHING. I ate. The whole. Darn. Cookie.
And the best thing is that Berenice and Zahrah were the ones who came up with the trick -.- So of course I was freaking pissed at that time luh, not understanding why I had that torrid luck of being the one offered the cookie. But on hindsight it wasn't that big a thing, although it was kinda mean. And haha, it was a good prank.
But it isn't even April Fool's yet!
So yes, Yeong Yang (who originally got tricked too) is planning to do something to get back at them on Thursday. Omg so crazy luh Danetta and Kristie and Melvyn were asking me "Hey how was your mouthwash?" And for some reason I started half laughing half tearing half don't know what luh.
AH WELL. I'm not going to hold a grudge because I actually respect this prank. Cheers yo. And uh Berenice? I'm sorry if I seemed a bit fierce. Yeah. ><
That thing totally made my day (both in a bad and a good sense).
Happy 17th birthday I know this is kinda late, but well I got home past 11 yesterday so don't blame me. (:
It's been awesome knowing you since what, sec 1. And although sometimes you're like this really serious person I know you really aren't. Can't really say much cause I haven't been in your class for 2 going on 3 years but still the times when we play soccer are epic.
Hope you've been having fun playing soccer with the school. I'd totally be there alongside you if it weren't for track. But I know you can become like freaking pro next year so keep up the hard work. And where's the pace?!
So just wanna say; continue to be your fun-loving joker-ish self and keep the hair growing. :D God bless, all the best.
I NEED TO STOP BEING DISTRACTED FROM HIS GLORY AND AWESOMENESS. God help me remember and focus! (: And forgive me for being so two-faced in my attitude towards you; make me learn to depend on You and nothing else. :D
Love you ttm.