Thursday, September 27, 2007

Math CCT

It was screwed. And I'm about to tell you why, so don't ask.

I was doing perfectly fine until the last question. I was wondering how to bloody use similarity with 2 figures and 2 unknowns. Until the last 2 seconds, when exasperated me decided to take another look at the question. Guess what I saw: a conical flask of 18cm radius and 28cm height! And the height uncovered by water was given as 14 cm. What the FUCK.

And God has to add salt to my wound by letting me see the number 2 seconds before Mrs. Chong called time. I was flipping the page over, just put my pen on the paper, and suddenly "pens down" came ringing through the classroom. Shitbags.

Hopefully I won't be so careless at EOYs. Screw it 7 marks gone. Could have gotten full now only max 23. Shitbags. MUG MORE (although my theory is perfectly fine) and CARELESS LESS (which I am desperately LACKING).

Happy Belated Mid-Autumn Festival

Right. Study Math under the stars. You wish, Mrs. Chong.

Anyway, happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Did any of us do ANYTHING to celebrate this? I ate a few mooncakes xD. And walked with my bro, who was holding a lantern, and my other bro, who was holding a stick with 5 candles attached to it. Burning. =.= Only problem is that there was the Math CCT the day after the night of the MAF. Sheesh, such a party pooper. =D

SNOW SKIN MOONCAKES ROCK. ESPECIALLY DURIAN. OWNS. Sorry xD I just looove snow-skinned mooncakes. They taste damn pro can? Better than the traditional ones (sorry whoever created them). Mr. Law was really nice in giving the ICC committee a few mooncakes during recess at the staff lounge. Snow-skinned pandan w00tz! Haha he got them from Indonesia. Lollers.

Anyway Mrs. Chong was trying to be drama and she was like: "Okay, today is the mooncake festival so spend tonight with your parents mugging math under the stars." Yeah right.

Oh right, Mrs. Sung gave us a few dengmis. Lantern riddles, for those of you who don't know hanyupinyin. And chocolates. And lanterns. Really cute ones, at that.

Just for the act: I'm going to mug math now. But not for CCT. EOYs coming up OMFG!

Freaked Out.

Ok people. Do NOT believe this post. I don't believe it myself either.

I went for Rafflesian Spotlight auditions today. And hopefully didn't screw up. I was like freaking nervous la. It was a spontaneous decision based on the nudging by the Sec 4s, ok? xD Anyway I did I'd Do Anything by Simple Plan, because I can roughly hit all the pitches right, so there.

Guess who were the judges? Ms Grace Kong, Mr Law Hock Ling and Mrs. ROSIE SMITH OMGWTFBBQ. She wasn't that bad for my one though... didn't say anything haha. Which may be good or bad I dunno. Ms Kong said that I should have chosen a song which shows off my voice more.. and I need to enunciate clearly. Was I mumbling?

Then Mr. Law said something about volume control. Erm, what's wrong with that, I have no idea, k? I mean, even normally people sing quite loudly. Including Nabil. But still. He also said that I have to. Erm. Not close my eyes so much. I'm sorry, but I was nervous and that's the only way I hit high pitches. Closing my eyes. xD

But all in all it wasn't THAT bad... part of me wants to reach the next stage but part of me is too freaked to want to. =.=

Were there supposed to be mikes in the audition room? And since when did auditions have live AUDIENCES?! Bleargh.

Maybe I shall post about the Tioman trip and ICC tomorrow. During Comm class, if there's time. Bleah I NEED TO POST ABOUT THOSE TWO. Or else they'll really become forgotten memoirs. =)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Drama Challenge PWNZ. Really.

Ok. Drama Challenge was concluded not so long ago, but I slacked for a bit. So finally this post is coming up! =D

Well we've been working on this for the past 2 terms, and I'm glad to say that we did fairly well for it, despite major stumbling blocks along the way. The actors got their lines right, the crew was like a well-oiled machination, and the music was nearly perfect ('cept for Scene 3 yea). So, good job guys.

In the start, we weren't really very focused on the job. The selection of cast and crew took really very long, and the director was indecisive in his choices. Not to mention the scriptwriters took quite some time to produce a script, and even then only with the lecturing by Ms. Rosie. =.=

Martin was selected by popular vote as director, but it turned out to be a crap decision. He selected actors based on his liking for them, and designated random people to random roles. For example, even though I was earnest in acting for the play, he chose people who did not want to even act as main actors. Sheesh. He was also involved in many arguments with the cast over the script, the acting, the whatever. But more about this later. (I take part of this back)

In the end, the final decisions for cast were: Antonio -- Weng Hong, Bassanio -- Anderson, Shylock -- Jasdeep, Portia -- Darren, Nerissa -- Chia, Gratiano -- Jia Rong, Lorenzo -- Me! =.=, Salarino -- Wesley, Solanio -- Suwe. And the organising committee: Director/Dramaturge -- Martin, Assistant Director -- Pei Yuan, Stage Manager -- Suwe, blah blah blah.

WE ROCKED. Honestly, our final product went without a single hitch. Except for MAYBE a bit of hesitation on Jasdeep's part, but I call it SPECIAL EFFECTS XD. And I'm apologizing to Martin for blasting him so badly those days. I know it's long over, but still. WE WERE 10TH AND 2P WERE BETTER THAN US?! SOMEONE DID SOMETHING AND WE ALL KNOW IT. HMM.

But ah well, we know that we did a great job, and no one is going to take away this accomplishment from us. 2Q'07 FTW.

Drama Challenge PWNZ

Woot I had fun we did well.

Will post more tomorrow when I have the time. =D

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2nd Day of Term 3

OMG Drama Challenge TOMORROW?! 2Q FTW -- Go for it, guys!

Today was damn boring, as usual.

Math was normal: Nothing to talk about except: I might be getting the hang of congruency! w00tz.

P.E. was almost totally screwed up: We were doing softball, and Jasdeep was being a bitch/retard/asshole/whatever. He insisted on pitching; screwed the whole team up. Got damn pissed because of that.

But after that Chinese was back to boringness. OMG there's such a word! Cool. Sian la listen to people who dictate essays to us, not present. Hmm. Recess time =D

General Science (yes, it isn't Bio) was ok, we just got our groupings for the atomic bomb awareness kit, and spent nearly the whole lesson yapping about it.

And finally assembly: It was supposed to be an environmental talk by someone from NIE, but in the end she wasn't feeling well so it turned out to be a ICC talk/Documentary showing.

Third lang was shiok. There was a lesson observation today, but I didn't screw up that badly yay. We were asked to do a dialog on shopping, so my group just translated Russel Peter's $34.50 into Malay. Haha. Cikgu commended me on successfully acting like a Cinaman talking in Malay.

"Rehearsals" were screwed up. I mean, half the people who stayed back were taupoking each other while Martin, Deep, WH and Anderson tried to work out Scene 3. Kudos. I went to 2L and when I went back down the class was locked le (so early?!).

Sorry for this wuliao post; it's something like a filler before my pictures from Tioman come in =D

Monday, September 10, 2007


Go do my test!

Go do my test!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Random Quizzes!

Haha I need something to post before my pictures from Tioman come back, so I koped this from Darrell’s blog. Being wuliao so there.

At Bethesda Kindergarten I had I can’t remember haha.

At Poi Ching I had the only people I went to Tao Nan with. Who I can’t really remember right now.

At TaoNan I had All my schoolmates? Haha a lot of people la.

At RI I have all my schoolmates, again. =)

My long-term memory sucks, so don’t blame me for not remembering my friends from long ago.

Another quiz of Darrell’s blog because I’m still feeling wuliao.

1. Ever been given an engagement ring?
Uh. What kind of engagement?

2.Last gift you received?
Uh. If I’m not wrong, my birthday presents. Attacko soccer gloves and my MP3 player.

3.Ever dropped a cellphone?
Yes, I'm clumsy.

4.When's the last time you worked out?
Erm, if swimming in the sea for like the whole day is counted, then the day before last.

5.Things you spend a lot of money on?
I try not to spend too much money? I don’t really buy expensive stuff. Mainly coz I’m broke.

6.Last food you ate?
Brunch haha! Instant noodles.

7.First thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Erm. Face haha.

8.One favourite song?
Right now? Don’t you know who I think I am by Fall Out Boy. Pwns.

9.High school you attended?
Raffles Institution. And it’s you attend.

10.Cell phone service provider?
Starhub w00tz. Free 1000 sms per month!

11.Favourite mall?
Tampines Mall. But I hardly go there.

12.Longest job you had?
Erm. Student?

13.Do you own a pair of dice?
I guess so. Monopoly?

14.Do you prank call people?
No, prank calls suck. So I'd never do that to someone.

15.Last wedding you attended?
I’ve never attended a wedding. Lol.

16.First friend you called if you won the lottery?
Calvin. And he’d force me to treat him.

17.Favourite fast food restaurant?
SUBWAY. Awesome sandwiches. The cookies tooo. (: Lol I know I copy D. Loh.

18.Biggest lie you ever heard?

19.Where's your favourite place to eat with friends?
Erm. Subway? Coz that’s the only place I go with my friends.

20.Can you cook?
I guess so. Does instant noodles count?

21.Best kisser?
I have NO idea!

22.Last time you cried?
Erm. I can’t remember. Truly.

23.Most disliked food?
Bittergourd. Ew.

24.What do you like most about yourself?
NO idea. Usually you ask other people that.

25.Thing you dislike most about yourself?
I’m too heavy. Dots.

26.Longest shift you worked in your life?
Don’t work. But yea I guess the TNS Carnival one was a bit screwed.

27.Favourite movie?
Erm. I have really no idea. I rarely watch movies, see?

28.Can you sing?
Yes I can sing. Everyone can sing. It just depends whether it’s good or not.

29.One thing you never leave your house without?
Erm. My shoes, I guess. It’s a bit lame but yea.

30.Last concert you attended?
Erm. Planetshakers at the end of last year.

31.Last movie you rented?
My DAD rented a movie; I can’t remember.

32.Favourite vacation spot?
Too many to say. I’m a fickle person.

33.Laptop or desktop computer?
Desktop computer.

34.Favourite comedian?
Russell Peters! And maybe MadTV if it’s counted.

35.Do you smoke?
No, Not ever. XP

36.Sleep with or without clothes?
Uh. With?

37.Who sleeps with you every night?
Uh… if you count in the same room, then my whole family. If in bed, then nobody.

38.Do long distance relationships work?
Nope. Unless you’re super imba at being charming over the phone.

39.Pancakes or french toast?
Pancakes. Maple syrup!

40.Do you like coffee?

41.How do you like your eggs?

42.Do you believe in astrology?
No, not really. But the Taurus thing about me being stubborn is quite true.

43.Last person you talked to on the phone?
My piano teacher? I was organizing a make-up piano lesson.

44.Last person on your missed call list?
Erm. I have no idea, seeing as I don’t have caller ID boohoo.

45.What was the last text message you received?
I think it was an overdue message (coz I don’t have roaming) telling all the soccer people to play soccer after technical rehearsals.

47.What are you wearing right now?
Uh. House clothes?

48.Pick a lyric:
“They say quitters never win, but we walk the plank on a sinking ship. There’s a world outside of my front door, that gets off on being down.” – Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am by Fall Out Boy.

49.What kind of jelly would you like on your PB & J?
Erm. Strawberry?

50.Can you play pool?
Yes! It’s fun.

51.Can you swim?
Yes, not very well, though.

52.Favourite ice cream?
Yam! Or maybe Cookies and Cream. Hmm.

53.Do you like maps?
Yup they’re fun xD.

54.Tell me a random fact about yourself:
I suck at Math. Anybody out there like me?

55.Ever attended a theme party?
No. I hardly attend parties. Mainly because nobody organizes them.

56.What is your favourite season?
Winter duh. It’s cold. It’s fun. It’s slack time!

57.Last time you laughed at something stupid?
Something stupid… You talking about my little brother? If so, then yes. =D

58.What time did you wake up this morning?
Uh… chao late can? 11am? Cos I just came back from Tioman yesterday and slept at past midnight?

59.Best thing about winter?
The fun. And possibly the snow.

60.Last time a cop gave you a ticket?
I don't drive. (: I’m 14, hello?

61.Name of your first pet?
I don’t have a pet. Want one, though.

62.Do you think pirates are cool or overated?
Overrated. But Will Turner is pro.

63.What are you doing this weekend?
This weekend. Does that mean the previous weekend? If yes, then I was in TIOMAN. Snorkeling W00T.

64.What do you want to be?
Erm. Either a scientist or a doctor. Dunno what type though.

65.Are you on a laptop?
No. I don’t own one. But I want one haha.

66.Are you smiling?
Eh… Yes? Coz of this dumb question.

67.Do you miss someone right now?
I guess so… but I’m not about to tell you who.

68.If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Me? I’d go snorkeling again! HAHA.

69.Are you in high school?
Yup. Raffles Institution FTW.

70.Do you have a crush?
Wow. How sublime. I don’t think so.

71.What's your favourite name?
Hmm. I’m not sure, but I’d like one which no one can make fun of, and sound uber cool.

72.What colour is your bathing suit?
Erm. Bathing suit = Swimsuit? Then black.

73.Does your school start in August?

74.Did you go on a vacation last month?
No duh. Had school hello?

75.Have you ever been on a cruise?
Erm. No, sadly.

76.Do you have a sister?
No. I have something worse though. Two irritating midget brothers.

There it's finally done.